
skipper怎么读: 音标['skipә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ skipper是什么意思

n. 船长, 机长, 队长

n. a student who fails to attend classes
v. work as the skipper on a vessel


1. Skipper would have my guts for garters.


2. First he kills your skipper, then he murders a policeman.

他先干掉了你的狙击手 接着杀了名警察

3. That's the principal now, skipper, in the first car.

第一辆车里的就是大臣 队长

4. even our skipper still won't put on the uniform.


5. You and me, us, that's the beauty he teaches, skipper how we're brothers.

你和我 我们俩 我们是兄弟 这就是他教我们的 队长

6. Okay, well, I'm the skipper of our other ship, and something's come up.

好吧 我是我们另一艘战舰的队长 现在有情况了

7. Fortunately, he's a lot more hands on than the skipper was on my first visit in 1957.

幸运的是 他比我1957年 第一次来时的船长更加亲力亲为

8. We need the skipper to sign off; he might want us to keep working for a solution.

我们需要船长同意 他可能想继续寻找解决方案

9. While we have no organized leadership, you may think of me as your skipper, honcho, chairperson, padrone, or sachem.

虽然我们没有明确的组织领导架构 但你们可以把我看做你的船长 领导 首长 老大 或者 首领
