
音标/读音 ['dɒtidʒ]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 老耄, 老迷糊, 溺爱
[医] 衰老, 老耄

n. mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations


1. Perhaps you'll be able to relax in your dotage.


2. Just 'cause I'm heading into me dotage doesn't mean I've forgotten what flirting looks like.

就算我开始老糊涂了 不代表我忘记调情是什么样的了

3. And when I did go to the rescue o' my child, this man did viciously assault I, a poor godfearing man in his dotage, with fists and with weapons.

我去救我女儿时 这男人用拳头和武器 恶意攻击 我这个可怜虔诚的老汉
