
nanometer怎么读: 音标['neinә,mi:tә]
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◎ nanometer是什么意思

[计] 纳米, 毫微米
[化] (nm,旧用mμ)纳米

n. a metric unit of length equal to one billionth of a meter


1. A few nanometers of graphene in a conductor gel.


2. Right now check out what we see when it's magnified by 200 nanometers.

这是放大到两百纳米单位长度后 我们所看到的画面

3. The lenses have an optical density of 4+ in the 850 to 1,700 nanometer range.

镜片光密度4+ 波长850到1700纳米

4. 850 to 1,700 nanometers is the most common wavelengths encountered in fiber optics applications.

850到1700纳米波长 在纤维光学应用领域很普遍

5. Alternating probe and coupling lasers, built exactly to your specifications at 593.5 nanometers.

交替探针和耦合激光 完全按你给的参数制造 593.5纳米

6. Yes, I'm trying to figure out the nanometer and the attosecond, precisely where and when an event of awareness takes place.

是的 我在试着得出何处与何时 意识在大脑中产生 精确到纳米与原子秒

7. These other dimensions exist just nanometers away on membranes, dynamical objects which propagate through timespace according to the rules of quantum mechanics.

这些维度之间 只隔着几纳米的薄膜 可以根据量子力学 越过时空的阻隔 传送生物体
